Steve Mena

Case Study: CEDP - IBM

Lead UX architect for IBM’s Cognitive Enterprise Data Platform (CEDP)


The IBM Cognitive Enterprise Data Platform (CEDP) provides access to enterprise data from across IBM for use in discovering insights and supporting AI in a hybrid cloud environment. CEDP is a data lake that spans across Public Cloud, Private Cloud, and on-prem.

Project Requirements

  • Working from text only use case docs, conceive the interface for the application using IBM's proprietary Carbon Framework.
  • Work with stakeholders to incorporate ideas and iterate through the design process to deliver a fully functional prototype.
  • Oversee implementation of wireframes, structural process flows and styleguide by backend developers through final launch.

Project Overview

CEDP is an application utilized by thousands of IBM employees. It existed for a long time a a simple database, with littel attention given to it's usability or interface. I was brought onto the project with the instructions to conceive of an intuitive interface that respects the legacy users of the existing platform.

The Challenge

The biggest challenge was trying to advance the interface into something fresh, simple and robust, while maintaining a sense of familiarity among existing users, who admitted that the old interface was almost incoherent and unusable.

The Approach & Solution

I was able to take familiar concepts of what the intention of the original design was, and replicate those same results in the new interface. The concepts remained the same, but I was able to reduce the process of searching and finding/executing that information into something much simpler. The flow of information was more efficient. Complex tables were partitioned by content and category. Not just all thrown together. I devised an order to the madness, and a structure to the formless. The end result was a new application that was easy to use, with very little need for instruction to uninitiated users. Anyone could now use the application to find the information they wanted, regardless of their prior familiarity with the system. This resulted in higher use of the application accross the company.


This project took over 7 months to complete, contained over 100 unique screens, and was implemented after 2 rounds of iterations. Wireframes were delivered using Sketch and Zeppelin. Screens were also shareed with stakeholders who did not have access to Zepellin through Invision links. The entire project was overseen by Michele Ogle, Development Manager, IBM Global Chief Data Office.

Client Testimonial

Steve was a critical, valuable partner that ensured the IBM CEDP UXUI initiative was successful. He worked well with every member of the team, always a positive attitude and collaborative approach. Knowledgeable and skilled with a strong work ethic. All of his ideas and suggestions were well thought out and backed up by logic and best practice. He cares about the end result and the work shows.
Michele Ogle
Development Manager,
IBM Global Chief Data Office

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